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Mapping Between CIA and STRIDE in Cybersecurity

Updated: Jan 26, 2024


In the realm of cybersecurity, understanding the relationship between different frameworks and models is crucial for effective threat analysis and protection. The CIA Triad and the STRIDE model are two key concepts in this field. This blog post aims to explore the mapping between these two fundamental frameworks, providing insights into how they complement each other in identifying and mitigating security threats.

Understanding the CIA Triad

The CIA Triad is a model designed to guide policies for information security within an organization. It stands for:

1. Confidentiality: Ensuring that sensitive information is accessed only by authorized individuals.

2. Integrity: Maintaining the accuracy and completeness of data.

3. Availability: Ensuring that information and resources are available to those who need them when they need them.

Exploring the STRIDE Model

STRIDE is a threat model developed by Microsoft for identifying security threats. It stands for:

1. Spoofing Identity: Unauthorized access and use of another's identity.

2. Tampering with Data: Unauthorized data modification.

3. Repudiation: The ability of users (or attackers) to deny a malicious action.

4. Information Disclosure: Unauthorized access to sensitive information.

5. Denial of Service (DoS): Interrupting the availability of a system or service.

6. Elevation of Privilege: Gaining higher access levels than authorized.

Mapping CIA to STRIDE

The mapping between CIA and STRIDE provides a comprehensive view of how specific aspects of STRIDE can threaten each element of the CIA Triad:

1. Confidentiality and STRIDE

- Spoofing Identity: Accessing confidential data by pretending to be an authorized user.

- Information Disclosure: Directly correlates with the breach of confidentiality.

2. Integrity and STRIDE

- Tampering with Data: Directly impacts the integrity of data.

- Repudiation: Involves questioning the integrity of data or transactions.

3. Availability and STRIDE

- Denial of Service: Directly impacts the availability of services and information.

- Elevation of Privilege: By gaining higher access, an attacker can disrupt the availability of systems.

Application in Security Analysis

Understanding this mapping is crucial for security professionals:

- Risk Assessment: Security teams can prioritize risks by identifying which part of the CIA is at risk from a specific STRIDE element.

- Security Strategy Development: Helps develop targeted strategies to protect each aspect of the CIA Triad.

- Incident Response: Aids quickly identifies the nature of a breach and responds effectively.


The intersection of the CIA Triad and STRIDE model offers a robust framework for analyzing and addressing security threats. By understanding the relationship between these models, cybersecurity professionals can enhance their strategies to protect organizations against a wide range of cyber threats.

In our upcoming posts, stay tuned for more insights on cybersecurity frameworks and their practical applications.

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